Ram Yatan Sharma Memorial Trust
A Public Charitable Trust
Full Stop No. 11/2019
(Pre-Dispute Family Litigation)
Name of the 01st Party: – XXXXXXXX S/o – XXXXXXXX A Resident at Village & Po- XXXXX Ps- Mushahari District – Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Name of the 02nd Party: – XXXXXXXX W/O – XXXXXXXX A Resident at Village & Po- XXXXX Ps- Mushahari District – Muzaffarpur Bihar
31.08.2019: – It is a family dispute. Both parties are legally wedded spouse. When the matter came to the knowledge of the Trust, the Trust attempted conciliation between the parties. The trust called both the parties to the litigation at the trust office. Both parties arrived at the trust office on the scheduled date. The facts came out is that the husband is an auto-rickshaw driver. The grievance of the wife is that her husband not paying any amount of maintenance to her and five minor children. The income of the husband is Rs. 300-400 hundred P/D. After marathon counseling, the husband agreed to pay the maintenance amount Rs. 5000.00 (Five Thousand) per month to his wife. Accordingly, the dispute between the parties is settled outside the court amicably. The litigation between the two has now come to a Full-Stop.
Dilip Kumar
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