Run & Managed by
Ram Yatan Sharma Memorial Trust
Full Stop No. 30/2024
(Family – Dispute)
Date of Compromise- 16.12.2024
Court Case Details:
Name of the Court: – Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Pre-Judicial Conflict
Name of the Petitioner No. 01: – XXXXXXX (Husband)
Name of the Petitioner No. 02: – XXXXXXXX (Wife)
Address of the Wife – XXXXXX W/o Shri XXXXXXX
Permanently Residing at Mohalla/Village – XXXXXX Fardopul
Ps- Sadar, District- Muzaffarpur, Pin- 842001.
Address of the Husband– XXXXXX Kumar S/o Shri XXXXXX XXXX Singh House No. XXXXXX, Ps- Shashtri Nagar, District- Patna, Pin- 800023.
The parties are husband and wife. The husband is a software Engineer (Ph. Ed from IIT Roorkee) and the Wife is MBBS (M.D). Their marriage was solemnized on 27.01.2019 at xxxxxx according to Hindu rites and customs. After some time, the marriage encountered matrimonial disharmony and differences between the parties, resulting in the said dispute. To settle disputes between the parties, a joint meeting was held 16.12.2024 in the office of the “Dispute-Eater,” in which both parties, were present. Comprehensive mediation sessions were held jointly as well as separately. After counselling, both parties have agreed to live together. It is agreed between the parties that on 22nd January 2025 the wife will fly for Bangalore, and her husband has confirmed that he will be at Bangalore Airport to receive her upon her arrival. The exact time of her arrival will be communicated by wife to her husband once she receives her air ticket. A MOU is prepared in the office of Dispute- Eater in the following terms and conditions:-
- Both the parties hereto confirm and declare that they, voluntarily and on their own free will and accord, have decided to live together as husband and wife and have arrived at this settlement in presence of the “Dispute-Eater” to voluntarily and equitably settle all the matrimonial issues between them.
- That both the parties agree to and undertake that they have settled all their disputes and grievances amicably against each other and against their respective family members and have mutually agreed to cohabit and live together as husband and wife with love, respect and mutual understanding towards each other.
- That xxxxx has provided the date of 22nd January 2025 for her flight to Bangalore, and her husband has confirmed that he will be at Bangalore Airport to receive her upon her arrival. The exact time of her arrival will be communicated by Dr. xxxxx to her husband once she receives her air ticket.
- That both parties have agreed to live together in Bangalore for at least two months, and during this period, neither party shall have the right to withdraw from the company of the other unless there is a valid reason. They have also agreed on mutual cooperation and self-respect each other throughout this time. The wife plans to search for a job in Bangalore and intends to focus on family development. If their relationship remains positive and both parties respect each other’s feelings over the said two months, they will agree not to consider separation. Furthermore, if relation of the partis will be okayed in said period then both parties are committed to staying together and will not separate without a valid and substantial reason. If, during the specified period, the dispute escalates, both parties may decide to abandon their intention of staying together and may take steps toward permanently living separately.
- That both parties agree and certify that no cases are pending before any court in India.
- That the parents or any relatives of both the parties shall never interfere by any means in the personal life matters and decisions of Dr. xxxxx and Dr. xxxxx.
- That both the parties agree that in case if any matrimonial dispute arises in future, both the parties will try at their level best to properly communicate and resolve any such dispute amicably at their personal / family level, however, they will be free to move a proper court of law for their personal liberty and freedom.
- That by signing this Agreement, the parties hereto solemnly state and affirm that all the disputes and differences have been amicably settled by the parties hereto, through this process of Mediation.That the parties are accordingly signing this settlement agreement to authenticate their will to comply with the same as agreed above.
(Mr. xxxxxxx) (Dr. xxxxxx)
Petitioner-in-person Respondent-in-person
Dilip Kumar
For Dispute-Eater
Dated: – 16.12.2024
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