Run & Managed by
Ram Yatan Sharma Memorial Trust
Full Stop No. 17/2022
(Family – Dispute)
Date of Compromise- 10.09.2022
Court Case Details:
Name of the Court: – Court No. 04 (Smt. Tanya Patel) JM 01st Class, Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Complaint (Domestic Violence) Case No. 3667/2021
Name of the Petitioner: – XXXXXXXXX (Wife)
Name of the Respondent: – XXXXXXXX (Husband & others)
Address of the Husband– XXXXXXXXX W/o Late XXXXXXXXX
A Resident of Mohalla/Village- XXXXXX, Po- HPO
Ps- Sadar, District- Muzaffarpur, Pin- 842001.
Address of the Wife – XXXXXXXX S/o Shri XXXXXXXXXX
Permanently Residing at- Mohalla – XXXXXXXXX
Ps- Kanti, Po- XXXXXXX, District- Muzaffarpur, Pin- 843113
A physical meeting is held today in the office Dispute-Eater Muzaffarpur in which both the parties appeared in person to settle the dispute as mentioned in full stop no. 14 to 19 bearing number: –
- Matrimonial Case No. 471/2021.
- Matrimonial Case No. 516/2021
- Matrimonial Case No. 315/2021 is pending in the court of Principal Judge Family Court Muzaffarpur.
- Complaint (D.V) Case No. 3667/2021 is pending in the court of Smt. Tanya Patel JM 01st Class, Court No. -04 East, Muzaffarpur.
- Sadar PS Case No. 762/2021, pending in the court of CJM Muzaffarpur.
- Sadar PS Case No. 765/2021, pending in the court of SDJM (East) Muzaffarpur.
On behalf of “Dispute-Eater,” Mr. Dilip Kumar is present. After counselling, the husband and the wife who are physically present have agreed to live together and agreed to withdraw all the legal proceedings pending in the court of Muzaffarpur. It is also agreed that the husband will go to Sasural at XXXXXXXX Muzaffarpur for Bidagari of his wife on 09.10.2022. A separate compromise agreement is executed today duly signed by the parties and Mr. Dilip on behalf of Dispute-Eater. And now, the dispute between the parties come to a full-Stop.
Dilip Kumar
(For Dispute-Eater)
A separate settlement agreement was executed and signed by the parties and their guardian which is as follows:-
This DEED OF COMPROMISE is made between Mr XXXXXXXX Kumar aged about XXXX years a Permanent Resident at Mohalla/Village – XXXXXXXX, Po- XXXXXXXX, Ps- Paroo, District- Muzaffarpur Presently residing at XXXXXXXXXXX Po – GPO, Ps – Sadar, District – Muzaffarpur, Mobile No. – XXXXXXXXX, Pin – 842001hereinafter called and referred to as the First Party.
Smt. XXXXXXXX Kumari aged about XXXXX years D/o Shri XXXXXXX Chaudhary A Resident at Mohalla / Village – XXXXXXXX Po – XXXXXXXXXX, Ps- Kanti, (O.P-Panapur) District – Muzaffarpur, Pin- 843113 Mobile No. XXXXXXXXXXX hereinafter called and referred to as the Second Party.
- That the First Party namely XXXXXXXXXXX Kumar is intermediate and doing his job in XXXXXXXX and the Second Party namely XXXXXXXX Kumari is MCA and doing a job in XXXXXXX Bank XXXXXXX Road Muzaffarpur.
- That the First and the Second Party are duly married spouses to each other. The marriage between them was solemnized on XXXXXXX according to Hindu reties and customs at Muzaffarpur. The marriage between the parties was an arranged marriage, the marriage so solemnized between the parties is not registered under the provision of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955. Before the marriage, several meetings were taken place between the parents of the Petitioner and the family of the Respondent. After marriage, the Bidagari ceremony was held, and both the parties along with relatives came to the residence of the First Party at XXXXXXXXXX Muzaffarpur on 07.12.2020.
- That after sometimes matrimonial disputes arose between the two and the difference came out in the form of several Matrimonial Cases.
- That the Cases filed by the Second Party namely XXXXXXX Kumari in Muzaffarpur is as follows:-
i. Complaint (DV) Case No. 3667/2021.
ii. Maintenance Case No. 315/2021.
iii. Sadar PS 765/2021. - That the Cases filed by the First Party namely Shri XXXXXXXXX as follows: –
i. Mat. 471/2021.
ii. Mat. 516/2021
iii. Sadar PS Case No. 762/2021, - That the first party withdraw the case as filed by him at Muzaffarpur namely: –
i. Mat. 471/2021
ii. Mat. 516/2021 - That the Second Party shall also withdraw the case namely: –
i. Complaint (DV) Case No. 3667/2021
ii. Maintenance Case No. 315/2021 - That both the parties agreed to file a compromise in both the criminal cases namely:-
i. Sadar Ps. 762/2021.
ii. Sadar PS 765/2021 and shall take proper steps to dispose of the same as early as possible. - That both parties agree to the registration of the already solemnised marriage before the marriage registrar.
- That both parties agreed on the point that the first party namely XXXXXXXXXXXX shall go to his Sasural at XXXXXXXXX Muzaffarpur for Bidagari of the second party on 09.10.2022.
- That both the parties also agreed on the following point namely:-
- That the parents or any relatives of both the parties shall never interfere in personal life matters, decisions and personal space.
- Both the parties hereto confirm and declare that they, voluntarily and on their own free will and accord, have decided to live together as husband and wife and have arrived at this settlement in presence of the “Dispute-Eater” to settle all the matrimonial issues voluntarily and equitably between them.
- That both parties agree to and undertake that they have settled all their disputes and grievances amicably against each other and their respective family members and have mutually agreed to cohabit and live together as husband and wife with love, respect, and mutual understanding towards each other.
- That the First Party must take proper care and attention towards Second Party.
- That the happiness of the Parties would be the paramount consideration for them.
- That both Parties must avoid angry reactions toward other.
- That both parties shall respect the feelings of each other.
- That the parties agree that they shall, overall, equally share holiday and vacation time with each other. The parties shall share, approximately equally, each holiday and vacation period.
- That the parties agree to give support to each other in their roles as parents and to consider the views of the other physical and emotional etc.
- That neither Party shall thus intentionally do anything that would estrange from the other party or that would intentionally impair the natural development of love and respect of each parent.
- The parties have of their own volition entered into this Agreement upon nature consideration.
- This agreement deed has been prepared in three original copies, one copy each with the First party, the other to the Second Party and the rest of one copy will remain in the office of “Dispute-Eater”.
(XXXXXXX Kumar) (Smt. XXXXX Kumari)
Signature of the 01st Party Signature of the 02nd Party
S/d and Seal
Dilip Kumar
(For Dispute-Eater)
Date- 10.09.2022
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